002 Audio- A Natural Conversation with Marco
Welcome to the another episode of Me Speaking-Natural Conversations with ESL guests. This is Leila. I’m your host, bringing you real conversations with a mother tongue resident.
In today’s episode I will be chatting with Marco.
Marco and I are in a relationship and live together for a year and a half. As a mixed couple, him being born and raised in Italy and me being Italian-American, we’re bound to find some interesting differences in our daily habits.
One of them is clearly related to food.
Through the years, since I’ve moved here, I’ve learned that Italians RIGHTLY venerate their food. There are certain things you MUST do when cooking Italian and certain things you JUST DON’T DO.
An example of this is putting cheese with fish. It’s unimaginable!
So listen to how a conversation about this VERY FRAGILE topic turned out…
LEILA: Marco, What would you like for lunch today?
MARCO: I don’t know… Pasta?
LEILA: (smirking) I guess that will work. I could make that uhm… Pasta with Chicken dish. What do you think?
MARCO: Leila… we don’t put chicken on pasta.
LEILA: (laughing) oh goodness… here we go… there’s nothing wrong with chicken. It has asparagus…
MARCO: ooh there’s asparagus. Do you really need to add the chicken?
LEILA: (laughing) Yes. Yes, I do. It’s the main part of the dish. I’ll go to the store and get the ground chicken. You’ll like it, trust me.
MARCO: I trust you but… CHICKEN!?
LEILA: Yes, that meat you tend eat roasted… You can eat it in other ways you know…
MARCO: Yea… I make it with breadcrumbs and fry it… But not with pasta.
LEILA: Come on Marco… Just try it. No one’s to die.
MARCO: Are you sure about that?
LEILA: (giggling) Yes I’m sure. It’s a pretty versatile dish. It’s light. It’s filling, It’s healthy. You’ve been telling me you’d like to eat healthier. What do you say? Will you try it?
MARCO: Fine… let’s try it. But this not is Italian food.
LEILA: OK fine… we’re buying the ingredients in Italy. The base of the dish is olive oil and garlic, but we don’t have to call it Italian.
So in the end, he lived to see another day and now we eat our chicken, asparagus and pasta of- pretty often.
One point for me. HA!